Champion Hill Nordic Ski Center
, originally uploaded by whatever264.
Skiers enjoy the excellent conditions on groomed trails at Champion Hill Nordic Ski Center near Beulah, Michigan.
, originally uploaded by whatever264.
Skiers enjoy the excellent conditions on groomed trails at Champion Hill Nordic Ski Center near Beulah, Michigan.
ABR Trail Conditions – 12/25/07 8:00 AM
Santa stops at ABR Trails to bring a Merry Christmas to skiers!
Yesterdays snow storm ended and we completed all of the trail grooming. We received 16 inches of snow! The Pisten Bully has been busy grooming. The trail has firmed up today and ski conditions are excellent! We are open Christmas day with normal hours 9-5….. …… >> More >>
Champion Hill Nordic Trails, originally uploaded by LuckyGus.
JH heading out to the “Scenic” trail at Champion Hill Nordic Ski Trails near Beulah Michigan on 12/10/2007
ABR Trails – November 29, originally uploaded by Ski Michigan.
Ken Hazel testing the new black diamond trail Peltonen Pass Out.