Ski Michigan Photos - Winter Storm Draco

March Photos - 2013

February Photos - 2013

January Photos - 2013

Holiday Photos - 2012

Winter Storm Draco

Snowmaking Photos
Here's a collection of photos of Winter Storm Draco as it brings much-appreciated snow to the slopes of Michigan ski areas:
December 21, 2012

Crystal Mountain - December 21, 2012
With this photo we can safely say that winter has arrived in Northern Michigan!

Shanty Creek Resorts - December 21, 2012
What a difference a day makes! Winter storm Draco dumped over 12" of powdery goodness last night.
December 20, 2012

ABR Ski Trails - December 20, 2012
The snow has been really coming down. Groomers have been out all day and are still out. We are grooming 70 km of trail and should have good skiing in the AM.

Boyne Mountain Resort - December 20, 2012
The flakes have been flying all day long! We're expecting 9-11" of snowfall through tonight, followed by another 1.5 - 2.5" tomorrow - just in time for tomorrow's 6-for-1 Day!

Treetops Resort - December 20, 2012
Bring on Winter Storm Draco! This is heaven on earth at Treetops! 6 inch accumulation with 6-8 anticipated tonight!

Boyne Highlands - December 20, 2012
Winter Storm Draco has arrived! We are expecting 12-18"+ inches to fall over the next 36 hours.

Caberfae Peaks - December 20, 2012
Winter storm Draco has arrived! How much snow are we going to get? Photo taken at 9 am this morning.